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Free radicals - the biggest enemy of your body.

As you age, your body’s glutathione production is rapidly decreasing.

Every day, your cells are being harmed by free radicals. Each cell suffers at least 10,000 hits by free radicals every day, making your cells susceptible to mutation. Some of the contributors of free radicals are polluted air, cigarette smoke, stress, lack of sleep, alcohol, and radiation. Scientist reports show that free radicals are the causal factors in nearly every known disease. Too much of them and you become vulnerable to chronic and serious illnesses, premature ageing, and a weak immune system.

Your body produces glutathione to combat free radicals. However, your body’s glutathione production rapidly declines as you age. Research has shown that low glutathione production rapidly declines as you age. Research has shown that low glutathione levels are observed among ill patients and the elderly. 

“The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how well you live,”
says Dr Richard Cutler, an anti-ageing researcher from the National Institute of Health.

Studies indicate that the higher the glutathione level in your body, the healthier you are.