AirPure Zayn

In Arabic, the word “zayn” means good, grace, and beloved, making it a popular name for children born in places where the language is spoken. The name also rings similar to the word “zen”, an East Asian term that has been adopted by the English language, and which pertains to meditation or applying mindful awareness to relieve oneself of harmful negative energies. When applied to aesthetic, it embodies the minimalist philosophy to deliver elegant simplicity, effortless effectiveness, and understated excellence.

Zayn is a name that reflects all of these qualities – and, collectively, the purity and comfort which we associate with a healthy home life.

The Problem

Many of us are aware of the pollution in the air surrounding us – we live in a world filled with various sources of pollutants, from manmade sources such as vehicles and industrial facilities, to natural sources such as wind-blown dust and wildfires. If you live and work in a city, your exposure to air pollution doubles because of how many of those sources are present all around you during your commute and any time you spend time outside.

What we may not be aware of is that exposure to air pollution does not end once we’re safely inside our homes. In fact, indoor air quality is a growing concern as modern homes are built to be airtight for energy efficiency, as this restricts ventilation and causes pollutants to fester and air quality to deteriorate. Bad air can trigger coughing, nasal and chest congestion, sore throat, watery or itchy eyes, shortness of breath and asthma attacks.

Furthermore, because of the technology we use in our homes every day, particularly modern electronics such as cellular phones and microwave ovens, we are also exposed to the dangers of electrosmog (e-smog) – energy waves that disrupt our body’s natural energy levels and negatively affect our physical and mental wellbeing.



Smart lifestyle choices must go beyond diet and exercise and extend even to the air we breathe. No matter how much we clean our homes with ordinary devices, we cannot rid the air completely of allergens and other airborne irritants that are trapped in carpets, curtains, furniture and upholstery.

AirPure Zayn is 5-stage air purification system that rids your indoor environment of up to 99.8% of airborne particulates, allergen, viruses, bacteria, fungi, moulds, bad odour, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Developed in Switzerland, manufactured in South Korea, and tested and certified by the European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation (ECARF), it combines the power of HPP+ Electrostatic, Ultraviolet (UV) Light, and Ultra Plasma Ion Filter Technology into one machine, to provide your home with clean and safe air every day.

An air purifier that goes beyond removing common irritants, AirPure Zayn is the first and only product of its kind that comes with an Amezcua Card to harmonise and energise your clean air. This makes indoor air more refreshing and helps rid your home of harmful e-smog. AirPure Zayn is lightweight with a stylish minimalist design and has a built-in Air Quality Sensor to identify your indoor air quality, making it an easy addition to your home and highly efficient to use.

  • Purifies and sterilises indoor air by getting rid of 99.8% of airborne particulates, allergens, viruses, bacteria, fungi, bad odours, and VOCs
  • Uses a powerful 5-stage purification system to clean the air you breathe
  • Harmonises and energises clean air with the Amezcua Card
  • Covers up to 36 sqm of indoor space
  • Has three (3) speed levels that can be automatically set (for 2, 4, or 8 hours) to fit your daily routine
    • Level 1: During night-time when everyone is asleep
    • Level 2: For continuous daytime use
    • Level 3: For quick air purification of heavily contaminated air
  • Measures air quality with its precise built-in Air Quality Sensor for Auto Mode and automatically adjusts speed level accordingly
    • Air Quality Indicator
    • GREEN – Clean Air
    • YELLOW – Slightly polluted air
    • ORANGE – Heavily polluted air
  • Has a Night Mode function, which reduces light intensity to a minimum and shuts off ambient light completely; automatically sets the machine to its most silent speed level 1, allowing you to enjoy peaceful, quality sleep
  • Has a touch-screen indicator, child-lock function, and HPP+ Filter Cartridge change indicator, to assist you in keeping your AirPure Zayn unit in top shape

Allergy-friendly product, tested and certified by European Centre
for Allergy Research Foundation (ECARF)