QVI Vacay Discoverer Basic

QVI Vacay is a travel platform that offers exceptional deals, discounts, and rewards when you travel. With QVI Vacay, you have the choice to share your stay with family and friends and enjoy any selected accommodation worldwide. Every successful booking you make earns you a yearly reward.


This is a Vacay package with a validity of 4 years.

Vacay Nights

  • 7 Vacay nights to be used within the first 12 months from the date of purchase at QVI Home Resorts only. Split nights stay allowed, 3 nights + 4 nights.

Vacay Deals

  • Enjoy a special rate plus further VIP discounts up to 6% on accommodations.
  • 90 coupons worth USD 450.

Vacay Rewards

  • 1% Year-end bonus from total Vacay Deals' consumed bookings of the calendar year.
Terms Definition 
Vacay Nights Redeemable nights available only at QVI Home Resorts.
Vacay Deals  Special rate plus VIP discount on selected accommodations worldwide. In addition, the Coupon offered is used to offset a certain amount of the booking fee of Vacay Deals.
Vacay Rewards Year-end bonus reward to active Vacay Members with personal and/or referral’s consumed bookings.  
Vacay Points The accumulated points earned from consumed bookings made by a Vacay Member and his/her referral. 1 Point is equivalent to USD 1 spent on the consumed booking.
Vacay VIP Tier
The applicable VIP discount tier- Ranges from 3% - 7%.
Vacay Wallet Vacay Wallet is one of Vacay’s payment options and a repository for Vacay Credits.
Vacay Credits Vacay Credits are amounts valued in USD that can be used to pay for a booking.
Traveler Basic Vacay account with 2 years validity period. It offers 3 Vacay nights which are to be used within the first 12 months from the date of purchase at QVI Home Resorts only. Split nights stay is not allowed. Traveler Basic Members enjoy a special rate plus up to a 5% VIP discount, 40 coupons worth USD 200 and yearly Vacay Rewards.
Starter Basic Vacay account with 3 years validity period. It offers 3 Vacay nights which are to be used within the first 12 months from the date of purchase at QVI Home Resorts only. Split nights stay is not allowed. Starter Basic Members enjoy a special rate plus up to a 5% VIP discount, 60 coupons worth USD 300 and yearly Vacay Rewards.
Discoverer Basic Vacay account with 4 years validity period. It offers 7 Vacay Nights which are to be used within the first 12 months from the date of purchase at QVI Home Resorts only. Split nights stay is allowed i.e. 3 nights + 4 nights. Discoverer Basic Members enjoy a special rate plus up to a 6% VIP discount, 90 coupons worth USD 450 and yearly Vacay Rewards.
Adventurer Basic Vacay account with 5 years validity period. It offers 10 Vacay Nights which are to be used within the first 18 months from the date of purchase at QVI Home Resorts only. Split nights stay is allowed i.e. 3 nights + 3 nights + 4 nights; or 7 nights + 3 nights. Adventurer Basic Members enjoy a special rate plus up to a 7% VIP discount, 120 coupons worth USD 600 and yearly Vacay Rewards.
Vacay Member Vacay Member is an individual who has purchased QVI Vacay products.
Referral A referral is a retail customer who has been referred by a Vacay Member.
Coupon Virtual voucher that enables Vacay Members to offset a certain amount from the booking fee of Vacay Deals. 
Vacay Eaze Credit in USD value that can only be redeemed through QNET.  Can be used to pay for bookings made on Vacay.
Validity Period

Traveler Basic Starter Basic Discoverer Basic Adventurer Basic
Validity Period 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years
Vacay Nights
Validity Period Traveler Basic Starter Basic Discoverer Basic Adventurer Basic
12 months from day of purchase 3 nights 3 nights 7 nights N/A
18 months from day of purchase N/A N/A N/A 10 nights
Split Nights Stay Allowed Split not applicable Split not applicable 3 nights + 4 nights 7 nights + 3 nights or
3 nights + 3 nights + 4 nights
  • It is not permitted to book two rooms or split stays within the same travel period in the same hotel.
  • The Vacay Nights can be shared with your family and friends but are strictly NOT FOR RESALE or other commercial purposes.
  • In case of cancellation, the unused nights will be forfeited.
  • Do redeem and travel within the validity period. Unutilized Vacay Nights will be forfeited on the immediate day after the validity period.
  • Misuse of QVI Vacay products may result in immediate termination or suspension of the account.
Vacay Deals

  • The following T&C explains the point system and VIP discount features of Vacay Deals:
Accumulated Vacay Points Traveler Basic Starter Basic Discoverer Basic Adventurer Basic
0 - 3000 pts Vacay VIP 3 
(3% Discount)
Vacay VIP 3 
(3% Discount)
Vacay VIP 3 
(3% Discount)
Vacay VIP 3 
(3% Discount)
3001 - 5000 pts Vacay VIP 4 
(4% Discount)
Vacay VIP 4 
(4% Discount)
Vacay VIP 5 
(5% Discount)
Vacay VIP 6 
(6% Discount)
5001 and above Vacay VIP 5 
(5% Discount)
Vacay VIP 5 
(5% Discount)
Vacay VIP 6 
(6% Discount)
Vacay VIP 7 
(7% Discount)
  • A 3% VIP discount is immediately applicable on your first booking.
  • For every USD 1 spent from your consumed booking, you get 1 Vacay point.
  • The VIP Tier levels up as you earn more Vacay Points from consumed bookings within the product validity period.
  • In case of cancellation with refund, Vacay Members would be refunded as per the net off discount.
  • Vacay Members can introduce Vacay Deals to unlimited Referrals. A Referral’s account enjoys unlimited bookings at a special rate for 6 months only, excluding VIP discounts.
  • The points generated from the consumed Referral’s booking will be added to the Vacay Member’s account, which helps accumulate more points and be eligible for the tier upgrade.
  • Note that any Vacay Member’s account would be deactivated once it expires.
The number of coupons included in Vacay Deals and its validity is listed below:

Traveler Basic Starter Basic Discoverer Basic Adventurer Basic
Total number of coupons 40 60 90 120
Validity Period 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years
  • Each coupon has the value of USD 5.00 and can be used to offset the Vacay Deals reservation cost.
  • Only one coupon per booking is allowed, with a minimum reservation cost of USD 200.
  • Coupon is neither transferable, encashable, nor refundable in case of cancellation.
  • Extending the validity of your Vacay account will not extend the validity of coupon.
  • Coupon cannot be used with other promotional deals.


Vacay Rewards
  • A minimum of 1% year-end bonus reward to active Vacay Members.
  • To become eligible for the Vacay Rewards, Vacay Members must have personal and/or referral’s consumed bookings within the calendar year and remain active until 31 January of the following year. For instance, if an IR purchases “QVI Vacay Starter Basic” in Oct 2022 and consumes booking in Dec 2022, he/she will be eligible for a bonus payout in Jan 2023.
  • If the Vacay account expires, unused rewards will be forfeited.
  • Forfeited bonus rewards would be proportionally distributed among active Vacay Members. How it works: Active IR’s total consumed bookings (For 12 months), divided by *Consumed bookings of all active accounts, multiplied by 1% of the total Consumed bookings of all accounts.

    *The above-mentioned 'consumed bookings' shall fall within the calendar year i.e., between Jan 1st - Dec 31st.

  • The rewards distribution among active Vacay Members is between 15 January to 25 January of the following year.
  • Rewards are issued in USD and will be deposited as Vacay Credit in the Vacay Member’s wallet.
  • No encashment is allowed.